SEO positioning and Social Networks: Differences that everyone should know


SEO Positioning vs Social Networks: What is the difference?

Are you new to the digital world and the difference between SEO positioning and social networks is still not clear to you? Don’t worry, we’ll tell you the main differences between each one.

First, you must know that SEO positioning has the purpose of placing your business on top of Google Results Page through blogs, articles or web pages accompanied by keywords that generate value to your audience.

Some statistics claim that SEO positioning has 20 times more traffic opportunities than PPC on mobile and desktop.

While in social networks the content and scope must be totally visual and with a quick level of understanding, it is estimated that advertising spending on social networks reached more than $173 billion dollars in 2022.

Although social media management and SEO optimization are two very different strategies, they can complement each other.

The importance of SEO positioning on the web

It’s no secret that all businesses want to grow and appear on the main page of Google, become relevant in the market and being accessed by thousands of users. In fact, only 30% of the clicks go to the organic results of the search engine.

For this reason, if you want to be visible to your clients, it is time to reconsider an SEO strategy and appear in the main search engines, therefore, SEO positioning is one of the tools ofInbound Marketing with better ROI, since today it is the perfect component for any company that wants to be in the digital world.

It must be taken into account that SEO is a profitable investment in the medium and long term. In short, businesses that understand its importance and continue to bet on it will make a difference compared to their competition.

Advantages and disadvantages of SEO

We have mentioned the importance of a correct SEO strategy and its exposure. It is time to talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of SEO positioning

In addition to having more exposure through organic search you will gain around 53.3% traffic on a web page compared to other channels. Other advantages include:

  • More clicks for your website
  • Increase of your brand visibility
  • Secure sales
  • Leadership in your market
  • More customers
  • Higher ROI
  • Durable results.

Disadvantages of SEO positioning

Having your website in order, without a doubt, is one of the best investments that you can have as a brand. This is so because by having a good strategy, you will achieve a good positioning. However, you must be aware that there are some disadvantages of this process:

  • While results last long, it takes time to build them up
  • Results are not guaranteed.
  • The more competitive the market, the harder it will be for you to achieve a good positioning.
  • You may not get great profit at first.
  • If the process is not done correctly, you could be penalised by Goofle

Advantages and disadvantages of social networks as your marketing strategy

Just as SEO positioning has its pros and cons, social networks are not far behind, as they are a very important strategy when it comes to having an online business.

That’s why the million dollar question arises: Which social networks should my business be on and what will be the purpose of them?

Each social network has its own characteristics in terms of language and its target audience, so we recommend you to have a clear and defined brand identity and buyer persona.

To understand a little more about advantages and disadvantages of social media, keep reading.

Advantages of social networks

  • Increase of your brand visibility and reach
  • If you use them correctly they improve the reputation of your business
  • They cause customer loyalty
  • Redirected visits to your website or blog
  • More leads
  • Better understanding of your target audience

Disadvantages of being on social networks

Just as there is a positive side, being present in Social networks can have its downsides such as:

  • Harm of your company reputation if not handled properly.
  • Bigger exposure to bad reviews and destructive criticism
  • Errors can be more visible
  • Working in social networks requires time and following a social media plan
  • You can be more vulnerable in front of your audience

Which method is best to improve visibility, SEO positioning or social networks?

The answer to this question is both. Nevertheless, social networks allow people to discover new content or brands that might interest them or their friends.

SEO positioning will allow you to obtain traffic from people who perform searches or related phrases, while social networks can help you get a greater number of clicks from different sources.

The key to understanding that search and social media marketing need to work together is to think about the problem that both search and social media solve: information discovery.

Do you want to implement any of these strategies and are you looking for an SEO agency in Panama? At Chili we can help you.

We are a Marketing agency, SEO and digital advertising with presence in Panama and other Latin American countries. We have professionals in different branches, who love and know what they do.

If you are interested or interested in knowing more,write to us. We will help you analyze your business and we will recommend the best strategy to follow.