Marketing Digital

Email direct marketing (EDM), or EDM marketing as it is also known, has always been a bit of a controversial tactic in digital marketing strategy. EDM marketing campaigns originated as the virtual equivalent of junk mail. They choked up inboxes worldwide with ungainly irrelevant material that would often be overlooked by the consumer.

In the early 2000s, legislation and technology caught up with the EDM marketing strategy trend. Regulators came in with heavy email sending restrictions. By the late 2000s, EDM campaigns were on life support. Nearly 30% of commercial emails failed to reach the inbox. Besides, subscribers opted out en masse due to the overwhelming volume of irrelevant marketing material clogging up their inboxes. The days of the email marketing campaign were over.

Well, let’s start afresh. Some of you may be asking, “What is EDM marketing?” Is an EDM marketing campaign still relevant now?

Electronic Direct Mail marketing (EDM marketing OR EDM Marketing Campaign) is an abbreviation for electronic direct mail marketing. It’s a type of marketing that is part of digital marketing strategy. Businesses utilize it to improve client loyalty and, as a result, sales. EDM marketing campaigns allow firms to reach out to big groups of customers and prospects. The EDM marketing strategy aims to develop and maintain customer connections, create new leads, and improve sales.

In today’s marketing world, electronic direct mail marketing has made somewhat of a comeback. Alive and well, EDM marketing has become universally recognized as one of the most effective tools in a marketer’s arsenal. Email marketing is responsible for nearly 7% of customer acquisitions, which puts social media platforms to shame.

So how did EDM marketing manage to claw its way back from the grave? In short, marketers got better at connecting with consumers.


We live in the age of the individual. People identify as being unique and not as another blip in a faceless consumer mass. In the modern age, marketers must see their customers as discerning, and autonomous. This is precisely why email marketing general promotional material in masse became so ineffective. In modern EDM marketing, segmentation is the answer to this quandary. By utilizing more sophisticated consumer data tracking, marketers can now tailor email content in an email marketing campaign to suit individual preferences and tastes.


Some EDM marketing campaigns take it right down to the personal level by responding directly to a customer’s activity on their site. Something like ‘abandoned cart’ emails, loyalty reward emails, and the ‘thank you for shopping with us recently’ promotions are all excellent examples of companies following up on customer interest and activity. Email marketing is reviving and digitizing the kind of personalized customer service people like to claim died with the birth of the internet.


In its younger days, EDM marketing content was essentially lifted from its print mail predecessors and rife with trite marketing jargon. Modern EDM marketing has broken away from this stale formulaic approach and developed its own style of sharp, snappy brand of content that speaks to the individual more than it speaks to the consumer.


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Did you know that 51% of emails are opened on mobile devices?

If you want to attract your audiences to open your emails in an EDM marketing campaign, use concise and straightforward email titles to arouse the reader’s interest. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Use numbers or emojis
  2. Personalize the titles
  3. Be creative


We all know that constantly sending EDMs in an EDM marketing campaign can irritate the audience, leading to a negative association with your brand. Data show that 46% of subscribers usually mark some promotional emails as spam or even unsubscribe. On the other hand, however, if the emails sent are not enough, your brand will gradually become forgettable by your target audience. As a result, you should keep an eye on how often the emails are sent to find that happy medium. 


Emails with long and abundant pieces of content can reduce the audience’s willingness to read them. You may also think that short emails cannot thoroughly convey your messages, so it is wise again to find that happy medium in terms of content length. If you would like to know the performance of different email lengths in your specific case, you could do A/B testing to get your own data.


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Regularly conducting A/B testing is one of the ways to improve your EDM marketing campaign effectiveness. The more testing you do, the sooner you will realize that there is a specific pattern to improve EDM marketing strategies significantly. However, you should not input too many subjective factors in the testing. Most of the successful results of EDMs are not easily guessed, so you should implement A/B testing based on hard data instead of just your own instinct.

Final thoughts on EDM marketing

EDM campaigns are a perfect example of digital Darwinism, a format that has evolved significantly to thrive in the fast and temperamental online universe. EDM marketing should form a solid part of your digital marketing strategy.

If you would like to understand more about EDMs or would help with your next EDM marketing campaign.

EDM marketing strategy FAQs

What is email marketing using EDM?

Businesses use Electronic Direct Mail (EDM), an email marketing campaign approach, to advertise items to a list of potential buyers who have opted in. In addition to using EDM marketing, firms may use cross-channel marketing to reach consumers on several platforms.

Are email marketing and EDM the same thing?

Emails are used in both EDM marketing and traditional email marketing to grow a list and increase conversions. Traditional email marketing, on the other hand, largely entails sending emails via a third-party source in the hopes that those emails would convert clients. The complexity of a full-fledged EDM marketing campaign is substantially higher.

A newsletter or an EDM?

Newsletters and EDMs are essentially one thing.

Businesses may communicate directly with their consumer base via electronic direct mail (EDM) marketing campaigns and newsletters to share pertinent information and connections to goods and services.